- BWS,
- KIP2,
- WBS,
- p57
- cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1C
- Potent tight-binding inhibitor of several G1 cyclin/CDK complexes (cyclin E-CDK2, cyclin
D2-CDK4, and cyclin A-CDK2) and, to lesser extent, of the mitotic cyclin B-CDC2. Negative
regulator of cell proliferation. May play a role in maintenance of the non-proliferative
state throughout life.
- Location: 11p15.5
- Size:2111 bp
- exons: 2
- DNA sequence (Human): NC_000011.8
- Mutations and SNPs (According
to HGMD and SNP)
- Pathways and interactions
(According to Kegg, IntAct)