-epithelial glycoprotein
- M4S1
- MK-1
- CD326
- EGP40
- MIC18
- Ep-CAM-epithelial
cell calium adhesion molecule
- hEGP-2-human
epithelial gylcoprotein
- CO17-1A
- SGA733-2
- M1S2
- M4S1
- GA733 tumor-associated antigen gene family may function as growth factor receptors and
is a calcium indepentdent cell adhesion molecule.This protein is expressed in almost all
epithelial cell membranes but not on mesodermal or neural cell membranes. Found on the
surface of adenocarcinomas.
- Location: 2p21
- Size: 17691 bp
- exons: 9
- DNA sequence (Human): NC_000002.
- Mutations and SNPs (According
to HGMD and SNP)