- BM-001
- ania-6a
- cyclin L ania-6a
- cyclin L1
- Cyclin L has been shown to associate with the PITSLRE
kinase and is involved in pre-mRNA processing.
- Location: 3q25.32
- Orientation: Minus strand
- Size: 12,349 bases
- 11 Exons
- DNA Sequence: NT_005612
- CGH (3q25.32): Losses (%) -1.7
Gain (%) 28.5
- Mutations and SNPs (According
to HGMD and SNP)
- Size: 2625
bp;59633.43 Da
- Protein domains:
- Protein sequence: CCNL1
- Homologous genes: CCNL1
- 2D PAGE:
- 3D Structure:
- PTM: