- ID2A
- ID2H
- MGC26389
- DNA-binding protein inhibitor ID2
- helix-loop-helix protein ID2
- inhibitor of DNA binding 2, dominant negative helix-loop-helix
- inhibitor of differentiation 2
- DNA-binding protein inhibitor ID-2
The protein encoded by this gene belongs
to the inhibitor of DNA binding (ID) family, members of which are transcriptional
regulators that contain a helix-loop-helix (HLH) domain but not a basic domain. Members of
the ID family inhibit the functions of basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors in a
dominant-negative manner by suppressing their heterodimerization partners through the HLH
domains. This protein may play a role in negatively regulating cell differentiation.
- Location:2p25
- Orientation: Plus strand
- Size: 2,397 bases
- 3 Exons
- DNA Sequence: NT_005334
- Mutations and SNPs (According
to HGMD and SNP)
- m-RNA Sequence: NM_002166
- Size: 1402 bp
- c-DNA Libraries: ID2
- Size:134 amino acids; 14917 Da
- Sub cellular location: Nuclear
- Protein domains:
- Protein sequence: Q02363
- Homologous genes:
- 2D PAGE:
- 3D Structure:
- PTM: ID2