Science Sparks @ ACTREC
20th December 2021 |
Vol. No. 10; Issue No. 505 |
1. Dev ID, Puranik AD, Rangarajan V, Gupta T, Purandare NC, Agrawal A, Shah S (2022). Radiation-induced meningioma in a case of medulloblastoma treated 11 Years ago-detected on 68Ga-DOTANOC PET/CT. Clinical Nuclear Medicine. 47(1):e108-e110.
2. Sandbhor P, Goda J, Mohanty B, Chaudhari P, Dutt S, Banerjee R (2021). Non-invasive transferrin targeted nanovesicles sensitize resistant glioblastoma multiforme tumors and improve survival in orthotopic mouse models. Nanoscale.
3. Chaubal R, Gupta S. (2021). The true human cost of the Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology.
4. Natu A, Singh A, Gupta S.(2021) Hepatocellular carcinoma: Understanding molecular mechanisms for defining potential clinical modalities. World Journal of Hepatology. 13(11):1568-1583.
Legends of Science
Gopalasamudram Narayana Ramachandran
Gopalasamundram Narayana Ramachandran obtained his doctorate from the University of Cambridge, the UK, in 1949. His specialization was in Molecular Biophysics. His main contribution was the theory of the molecular structure of biopolymers concerning their biological activities. His work was the turning point in the evolution of the theory of biopolymer conformation, which applies in almost all branches of biochemistry and molecular biology. His work was the starting point for developing CAT scan techniques in radiography and later MRI. Dr. Ramachandran was conferred with S S Bhatnagar Prize in 1961; J C Bose award in 1976. He was an honorary member of the American Society of Biological Chemists and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Bagepally S Narasinga Rao
Bagepally S Narasinga Rao obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Mysore, Mysore, in 1955. His significant contribution was the etiology of protein-calorie malnutrition in India - the role of fat deficiency; analysis of the nutritive value of Indian foods by analytical tools; RDA of energy, proteins, and some minerals for Indians; the role of restricted dietary absorption of iron deficiency anemia. Dr. Rao was the Director of the National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad and the President of the Nutrition Society of India. He served on many National committees like ICMR, DST, ICAR, Planning Commission, PM's National Nutrition Mission, and many international committees like FAO and WHO.
Do You Know?
In 2010, FDA approved sipuleucel-T, a cancer treatment vaccine that is made using a patient's own immune system cells (dendritic cells), for the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer that no longer responds to hormonal therapy.
Cancer News
Research breakthrough could see HIV drugs used to treat lowgrade brain tumors
17 December 2021, ScienceDaily
Drugs developed to treat AIDS and HIV could offer hope to patients diagnosed with the most common form of primary brain tumor. The breakthrough is significant because, if further research is conclusive, the anti-retroviral drugs could be prescribed for patients diagnosed with meningioma and acoustic neuroma brain tumors (also known as schwannoma)...
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