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Advanced Centre for Treatment Research & Education in Cancer
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Science Sparks @ ACTREC
Date Image 10 April 2023 Vol. No. 12; Issue No. 573

1. Budukh AM, Thakur JS, Dora TK, Kadam PR, Bagal SS, Patel KK, Goel AK, Sancheti SM, Gulia AR, Chaturvedi PP, Dikshit RP, Badwe RA (2023). Overall survival of prostate cancer from Sangrur and Mansa cancer registries of Punjab state, India. Indian Journal of Urology.39: 148-55.

2. Tongaonkar A, Simha V, Menon N, Noronha V, Bakshi G, Murthy V, Menon S, Sable N, Krishnantry R, Popat P, Palak P, Prakash G, Agarwal A, Jadhav B, Prabhash K, Joshi A. Management of testicular tumours in patients with undescended testes— a challenging but rewarding task: experience from a tertiary care cancer centre in India. ecancermedicalscience.17: 1521.

3. Nair SM, Sahu A, Dasgupta A, Puranik A, Gupta T (2023). Post-ictal changes presenting as late pseudoprogression on MRI and PET in a patient with diffuse glioma: Case report and brief literature review. The Neuroradiology Journal.

4. Chatterjee S, Kiyota N, Vaish R, Sharma A, Tahara M, Noronha V, Prabhash K, D'Cruz A (2023). Weekly versus 3-weekly cisplatin along with radiotherapy for locoregionally advanced non-nasopharyngeal head and neck cancers: Is the equipoise in literature addressed yet? Head Neck.

Site of the Week

MobiDB provides information about intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) and related features from various sources and prediction tools.

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Interesting Reads

Usui Y, Taniyama Y, Endo M, Koyanagi YN, Kasugai Y, Oze I, Ito H, Imoto I, Tanaka T, Tajika M, Niwa Y, Iwasaki Y, Aoi T, Hakozaki N, Takata S, Suzuki K, Terao C, Hatakeyama M, Hirata M, Sugano K, Yoshida T, Kamatani Y, Nakagawa H, Matsuda K, Murakami Y, Spurdle AB, Matsuo K, Momozawa Y. Helicobacter pylori, Homologous-Recombination Genes, and Gastric Cancer. N Engl J Med. 388(13):1181-1190, 2023.

Legends of Science
Prem Dutt Dogra Prem Dutt Dogra

Prem Dutt Dogra obtained his PhD from the Punjab University in 1962. His topics of research included species diversity, natural variation, wild gene resources, evolutionary trends in embryology of 11 genera and 24 species of conifers of India. His research was important for the genetical control of the seed, by use of x-ray seed radiography for screening of provenances of fertility and in selection and survey of germplasm. Dr. Dogra was the recipient of the Seth Memorial Award for Forestry of Indian Society of Tree Scientists (1989). He was a Fellow, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi.

Mihir Chowdhury Mihir Chowdhury

Mihir Chowdhury received his PhD from the Kolkata University in 1960. His pioneering research was on modern photochemistry. His significant work was on excited state geometry change/ photo-isomerization of Benzene. Using optical absorption and circular dichroism, he made significant contributions to forbidden transitions in lanthanides. He was the elected Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy and the Indian Academy of Sciences. He was the recipient of the S S Bhatnagar Award in 1977, Lifetime Achievement Award of the Indian Society of Radiation and Photochemical Sciences.

Upcoming Events
32nd International Association for Breast Cancer Research Conference

01-04 May, 2023

At Riviera Maya, Mexico.

The 13th Asia-Pacific Primary Liver Cancer Expert Meeting

06-08 July, 2023

At Grand InterContinental Seoul Parnas, Seoul, Korea.

24th Annual International Lung Cancer Congress

27-29 July, 2023

At Hyatt Regency, California.

Do You Know?

In 1988, Irving Weissman used cell separation techniques to isolate pure blood-forming stem cells in mice.

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Cancer News
NCI study finds that immunotherapy substantially increases survival of people with lymphomatoid granulomatosis

04 April 2023, National Cancer Institute

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New type of genetically-engineered T-cell may destroy solid cancer tumors

05 April 2023, New Atlas

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Air pollution’s role in the promotion of lung cancer

05 April 2023, Nature

Air pollution is associated with the development of lung cancer. Analysis of clinical samples and mouse cancer models suggests that inflammation and a tumour-promotion process induced by polluted air are the major culprits...

2023 Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC)