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Advanced Centre for Treatment Research & Education in Cancer
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Science Sparks @ ACTREC
Date Image20 January 2025 Vol. No. 14 ; Issue No.666

1. Kumar B, Mittal P, Gupta A, Mulani J, Bhajbhuje R, Kannan S, Jain J, Chopra S (2025). Learning curve and proficiency assessment for gynecological brachytherapy amongst radiation oncology trainees in India: Results from a prospective study. Brachytherapy.

2. Sundararajan R, Hegde SR, Panda AK, Christie J, Gadewal N, Venkatraman P (2025). Loss of correlated proteasomal subunit expression selectively promotes the 20SHigh state which underlies luminal breast tumorigenicity. Communications Biology. 8(1): 55.

3. Singh AG, Sinha S, Shetty R, Joshi P, Nair SV, Chaturvedi P (2025). Impact of Local Extent of Tumor on the Survival Outcomes for Surgically Treated Tongue Cancers. Head Neck.

4. Gandhi AK, Chopra S, Rastogi M, Mallick I, Cruz MC, Yasuda K, Sum YY, Nagata Y, Wu HG, Prajogi GB, Kodrat H, Ma M, Nisar A, Chitapanarux I (2025). Multicentric Cross-Sectional Survey to Assess the Variation of Fractionation Strategies Used in the Management of Head and Neck Cancers in the Asian Region (INNOCENCE-ASIA). JCO Global Oncology.

Site of the Week

BloodChIP Xtra is a user-friendly database that facilitates genome-wide exploration and visualization of transcription factor (TF) occupancy and chromatin configuration in rare primary human hematopoietic stem (HSC-MPP) and progenitor (CMP, GMP, MEP) cells and acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

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Interesting Reads

Siegel R, Kratzer T, Giaquinto A, Sung H, Jemal A. Cancer statistics, 2025. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians.

Video of the Week
From Synthetic Insights to ‘Au-Naturel’: IL-9 in T- Cell Therapy
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Global Summit on Metabolomics GSM2025

February 25-26, 2025

At IIT, Mumbai

An International Conference on Cellular Symphony: Decoding Protein Homeostasis in Human Health

February 3-5, 2025

At SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Kattankulathur-603203

One day Workshop on 'Mastering Retrospective Studies - Design, Conduct, Analysis and Publishing'

January 25, 2024

At ACTREC, Tata Memorial Centre, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai -410210

Do You Know?

In 2016, FDA approved a liquid biopsy test, a companion diagnostic test called cobas EGFR Mutation Test v2.

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Cancer News
Protein CD74 can predict immunotherapy response in bowel cancer, independent of subtype.

MedicalXpress, 16/01/2025

Researchers found that three types of immune cells needed to be present for the tumor to respond to treatment: fighter cells called T and NK cells, and cells called macrophages, which present flags on their surfaces to highlight a threat to the body...

Fructose fuels cancer growth indirectly, Lab Study Finds.

National Cancer Institute, 14/01/2025

The study showed that several types of cancer cells lacked the enzyme needed to use fructose directly. However, liver cells have the necessary enzyme, called KHK, and used it to convert fructose into fats called lipids...

Experimental blood test for pancreatic cancer moves closer to real-world use

News-Medical, 13/01/2025

The new test works by detecting two sugars - CA199.STRA and CA19-9 - that are produced by pancreatic cancer cells and escape into the bloodstream. CA19-9 is the current gold-standard biomarker for pancreatic cancer...

2025 Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC)