TMC-SNPdb 2.0 (an updated version of TMC-SNPdb, wherein we report 305,132 unique variants of Indian origin from 173 in-house normal samples. TMC-SNPdb 2.0 is open source freely available, flexible and upgradable SNP database from whole exome data which is also hosted at ANNOVAR from India. TMC-SNPdb 2.0 comes along with a user-friendly GUI toolkit developed using Rshiny and python. This toolkit empower user to create/combine custom germline databases in vcf format along with an additional functionality to flag presence of variants in the ethnic databases (IndiGenomes and GenomeAsia 100K) which can be used to deplete Indian population specific SNPs, in addition to the dbSNP, gnomAD and 1000 Genomes Project.
[ TMC-SNPdb 2.0 is free for academic users. Please write to adutt[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in if you intent to use TMC-SNPdb 2.0 for commercial purpose. ]