Aishwarya Rane

I have completed M.Sc. in Bioinformatics (2016-18) from Guru Nanak Institute of Research & Development (Mumbai University) and studied the Proteomics and Genomics data analysis. During my masters dissertation, I have developed stand-alone application of PBIT (Pipeline Builder for Identification of Targets) using Perl and Bioperl modules. This created my interest to work in the field of bioinformatics and explore about the techniques used in the field of bioinformatics To understand and enhance my knowledge of high throughput cancer specific data analysis I have recently joined Dr. Amit Dutt Lab as a Research Fellow. Furthermore, I am presently working with Sanket Desai, a doctoral student, to understand the landscape of pathogens associated with human tumors at a resolution of single base! by analyzing whole exome and whole trancriptome datasets.