I did my graduation in Biotechnology from Vidya Pratishthan’s School of Biotechnology, Baramati. Further, I obtained my post-graduation degree in Bioinformatics from Bioinformatics Centre, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. After completing my Master’s degree, I was associated with Kovid Bioanalytics, a bioinformatics startup where I got introduced to various aspects of high throughput data analysis which motivated me explore the field of genomics. I joined Dutt laborary in 2017 as a Research Fellow where, my role is to analyse cancer genomic datasets. It includes designing and standardisation workflows for whole exome and transcriptome data analysis. In addition to this, I am working on development of automated tool which combines Somatic variant and Copy Number analysis module from Whole exome data and differential expression and gene fusion analysis module from transcriptome data. Apart from research my hobby includes cooking, participating various social activities.