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Principal Investigator

Dr. Shilpee Dutt

Principal Investigator

Research Interests

Therapy resistance in cancer, DNA damage and repair, epigeneitcs, glioblastoma, leukemia

Achievements / Awards / Honors:

  • Recipient of Janaki Ammal-National Women Bioscientist Award (Young Category) by
    Department of Biotechnology, Government of India 2019
  • Recipient of President’s Award for the Outstanding Work in Neuro-Oncology by Indian
    Society of Neuro-Oncology (ISNO) 2017
  • Recipient of Dr. Virendra Balkrishna Kamat Award by Indian Association of Cancer Research
    (IACR) 2016
  • Platform presentation at American Association of Hematology (ASH) 2009
  • Recipient of Prestigious Swiss National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship 2005
  • Best Oral Presentation Award, University of Zurich 2004
  • Travel Award by Society for Neuroscience USA 2003
  • Best Oral Presentation Award, The Connective Tissue Society, Ulm, Germany 2002
  • CSIR JRF- NET fellowship in life sciences 1998
  • UGC JRF- NET fellowship in life sciences 1998
  • First Position in B.Sc, University of Delhi 1996


Our laboratory is interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms of resistance, the most germane and fundamental issue in the cancer therapeutics with a particular focus on DNA repair pathways and their epigenetic regulation. We take the multi-pronged approach employing molecular biology, cell biology, genomics and proteomics to answer some of the basic questions pertaining to chemo and radiation resistance. Using clinically relevant patient samples and patient-derived cellular and mouse models developed in our lab, we have identified novel and targetable molecular pathways employed by leukemic and glioblastoma cells to acquire resistance and relapse. We collaborate with the clinicians at ACTREC and TMH to translate the basic research findings into clinics.

Ongoing Research Projects

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    Chromatin regulation of DNA damage repair (DDR) pathway in radiation resistant Gli…

    Resistance to radiation is a major challenge in the treatment of Glioblastoma. A subset of tumor cells is capabl… more

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    Dynamics of double strand break repair in chemoresistant leukemias

    Many of Double Strand Break Repair (DSBR) proteins accumulate in the vicinity of the break site, forming so-call… more

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    Omics approach to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of Glioblastoma resistance

    Cellular signalling is complex network of many signalling pathways coordinating together. To get a comprehensive… more

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    Role of cancer stem cells in therapeutic

    There is now compelling evidence for tumour initiating or cancer stem cells (CSCs) in human cancers. Inherent in… more

Lab Members



Office Contact

Dr. Shilpee Dutt

KS 314, Advance Centre for Treatment Research & Education in Cancer, Tata Memorial Centre, (ACTREC), Plot No. 1 & 2, Sector 22, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai-410210. Maharashtra India.+91 (022) 2740 5000/ 6873 5000 sdutt[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in Lab Website

मीडिया गैलरी

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