ACTREC Alumni Association (AAA)

ACTREC Alumni Association has an array of outstanding members who have established themselves in different walks of life and hold distinguished positions in research as well as various industries. The objective of the Association is to provide a platform for the members to interact, contribute and to sustain a sense of belongingness and responsibility amongst the members of the Association with ACTREC through mutually beneficial contacts. The alumni members are in touch with the institute and provide support in scientific and academic activities in order to strengthen the existing departmental activities.

The Alumni Association of the Institute also has been actively conducting various activities in the form of lectures, workshops, debates for the benefit of students. The Association has sponsored many scientific programs, research projects and invited lectures on Frontiers of Science. These lectures and workshops enable the students to establish a rapport with eminent personalities who have already made their mark in various fields. It offers financial assistance to several needy and deserving students. It sponsors seminars, lectures and debate competitions, Research Scholars’ Meet and many others. To support, encourage and overall development of young researchers, the association recognize the talents and distribute Awards for their performance during scientific seminars and presentations.

PatronDr. Pankaj Chaturvedipankaj.chaturvedi[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
PresidentDr. Neelam Shirsatnshirsat[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
Vice-PresidentDr. Tanuja Tenitteni[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
SecretaryDr. Jyoti Kodejkode[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
Joint SecretaryDr. Aparna Bagweanbagwe[at]gmail[dot]com
TreasurerDr. Kishore Aminkishore.amin[at]gmail[dot]com
MembersDr. Ashwin Kotnisashwinkotnis[at]gmail[dot]com
Dr. Manoj Mahimkarmmahimkar[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
Dr. Milind Vaidyadrmvaidya[at]hotmail[dot]com
Dr. Narendra Chirmulenchirmule[at]aol[dot]com
Dr. Purvish Parikhpurvish1[at]gmail[dot]com
Dr. Sanjeev Shuklasanjeevtmc[at]gmail[dot]com
Dr. K. Satyamoorthyksatyamoorthy[at]yahoo[dot]com
Dr. Surendra Chavansurendrajc06[at]gmail[dot]com
Dr. Swati Patelsoyester18[at]yahoo[dot]com
Mrs. Sharada Sawantssawant[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in

AAA plans to offer valuable programs to foster connections amongst all alumni, while providing special benefits to members. The aims and objectives of the Association are:

  1. To provide a forum for members of the Association for interaction and to sustain a sense of belonging amongst the members of the Association with the Centre through mutually beneficial contacts.
  2. To provide avenues for drawing the knowledge and expertise of the alumni for furthering the social cause of the Institute as a leading Centre of Excellence.
  3. To foster linkages amongst the alumni and to promote personal and friendly relations through meetings and get-togethers by inviting public.
  4. To collect, and distribute any such information as may be useful to the public at large.
  5. To develop networking between the present and future alumni on a common platform on a continuing basis to spread knowledge among the public at large.
  6. To foster continuing professional/ academic development by drawing support from achievers amongst the public in their respective fields.
  7. To maintain funds for promoting scientific or academic activities that would be beneficial to public at large.
  8. To organize annual reunions, felicitation of eminent alumni as well as national and international conferences, seminars, workshops, symposia on the selected topics of Science & Technology to strengthen / share knowledge base.
  9. To facilitate exchange of ideas and information amongst scientists working in different research areas of Cancer and Biology.
  10. To award scholarships/ fellowships on such terms and conditions as the Managing Committee may think fit for the purpose of undertaking pursuing and encouraging higher education and research.

1. Name and Office:

The Association shall be called the "ACTREC ALUMNI ASSOCIATION" (hereinafter referred to as "THE ASSOCIATION"), of the Indian Cancer Research Center, Cancer Research Instituteand Advanced Center for Treatment, Research & Education in Cancer, hereafter referred to as the Institute, and its Office shall be located at theAdvanced Centre for Treatment, Research & Education in Cancer, Tata Memorial Centre, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai-410210.

2. Aims and Objectives:

2.1 The aims and objectives for which the Association is established are:-

  1. To provide a forum for members of the Association for interaction and to sustain a sense of belonging amongst the members of the Association with ACTREC through mutually beneficial contacts.
  2. To provide avenues for drawing upon the knowledge and expertise of the alumni for furthering the cause of the Institute as a leading Center of Excellence.
  3. To foster linkages amongst the alumni and to promote personal and friendly relations through meetings and get-togethers among members of the Association.
  4. To collect, publish and distribute such information as may be useful to members of the Association.
  5. To undertake all such activities as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above aims and objectives.

3. Financial Year:

The Financial year of the Association shall be from April 1st to March 31st.

4. Membership of AAA:

4.1 Eligibility:

Membership of the Association shall be open to:

Alumni Members: All the individuals who have acquired the post graduate degree of M.Sc./ M.D./ Ph.D. through the Centre (ICRC, CRI or ACTREC) are eligible for Alumni Membership. They may still be working at the Centre or may have left the Centre.

Affiliate Members: Individuals belonging to either of these categories are eligible for Affiliate Membership:

  1. Faculty members of the Centre who have acquired post-graduate/ doctoral degree from another organization and have been with the Centre for at least two years;
  2. Post graduate students under various disciplines of Science and graduates in Medicine and Allied fields, who have been working for the Ph.D. degree at the Centre for at least two years;
  3. Current staff members of the Centre who have acquired Master’s degree under various disciplines of Science, Medicine and Allied fields from any other organization and have been with the Centre for at least two years after obtaining post-graduate degree.

Once Affiliate Members leave the Centre, they will be considered as Alumni Members.

Associate Members: Individuals belonging to either of these categories are eligible for Associate Membership:

  1. Post-Doctoral Fellows working at the Centre for minimum one year,
  2. Post-graduates (M.Sc., M.Tech., M.D., M.Pharm., M.V.Sc., M.Lib.Sc., etc.) working at the Centre either as temporary staff, project staff or trainees for minimum one year.
  3. Graduates (B.Sc., B.Tech., B.Pharm., M.B.B.S., B.V.Sc., etc) doing post-graduate dissertation project at the Centre as Trainee.

Affiliate Membership continues even after the individual leaves the Centre.

Well-wishers: Individuals (who are not Alumni / Affiliate Members), Institutions, Corporates, Business groups and other organizations that donate Rs. 5,000/- or above to AAA will be considered as “Well Wishers”.

4.2 Rights & Privileges:

  1. The rights and privileges of a member shall not be transferable.
  2. The right to hold elective office shall be restricted to Alumni Members only.
  3. The right to propose and/or second candidates shall be restricted to Alumni/ Affiliate Members only.
  4. The right to vote shall be restricted to Alumni/ Affiliate Members only.

4.3 Membership Fees:

Alumni/ Affiliate Members: Rs 1000/- (resident Indians);
USD 30 (non-resident Indians)

Associate Members: Rs 500/-

5. Management of the Association:

The Executive Committee will consist of President, Vice-President, a Secretary, a Joint-Secretary, a Treasurer, a Joint-Treasurer and Executive Committee Members.

The Management of the Association shall be vested in an Executive Committee. It shall consist of not less than 15 and not more than 20 members.

Director of the Institute and another member of the Institute to be nominated by the Director as ex-officio members (this member need not be a member of the association)

For efficient functioning Secretary, Treasurer and the President should be from Mumbai, Navi Mumbai or Thane.

The mandate of the Executive will be for a period of three years. It will be responsible for running the Association for fulfilling the objectives stated in Article 2 and other programs of benefit to the organization. It will be authorized to accept donations, gifts and bequests for the furtherance of the aims and objectives of the Association. No member of the Association shall enter into any dealings on behalf of the Association, unless the Executive Committee has previously authorized him or her.

Any casual vacancy occurring in the Executive Committee, except that of President, may be filled by the Executive Committee by co-option from time to time without changing the basic structure of the Executive Committee as prescribed in Article 5 a) to e).

6. Management of account:

The bank account shall be operated by any two persons of the following- the Treasurer, the President and the Secretary.

The Association's investments and any other property shall be held in the name of the Association.

c.The Executive Committee may also, by resolution, designate the Secretary or the President of the Association to sign any documents, etc., other than those referred to in paragraph (a) and (b) of this Article, on behalf of and binding on the Association. Every such designation shall be specific, and shall cease after completion of its purpose.

7.Functions of the Executive Committee:

A) i. The responsibility of running the Association

    ii. Planning the activities of the Association such as organizing meetings,workshop etc.

B) i. President will preside over the meetings of the Executive Committee and all other meetings

ii. The Vice-President in the absence of the President will preside over the meetings of the Executive Committee meeting and all other meetings.

iii. Treasurer will be responsible for

  1. The finance of the Association
  2. Receiving all subscriptions, fees, donations and other money due to the Association
  3. Issuing receipts for all money received on behalf of the Association
  4. Submitting the statement of account at the end of each year for auditing and getting it audited by a qualified Auditor appointed bythe Executive Committee.
  5. Submitting an audited statement of Accounts of the Association to the General Body.
  6. Treasurer shall not disburse, salary, honoraria to any person or incur any expenses without expressed sanction of the Executive Committee.

iv. Secretary will be Executive Officer of the Association and shall be responsible for

  1. All day-to-day activities of the Association.
  2. Maintaining minutes of all the meetings of the Executive Committee and the General Body.
  3. Convening the Executive Committee and General Body meetings.
  4. Maintaining all records of the Association.
  5. Submitting an Annual statement of activities of the Association to the General body

Executive Committee Meetings:

8. The Executive Committee shall meet as often as may be necessary, but not less than twice every year to transact the business of the Association. The President shall preside at such meetings. In his/her absence, the Vice-President shall preside, and in the absence of the President and of the Vice-President, the members present at the meeting shall elect one amongst themselves to preside.

9. Five members shall form a QUORUM for Executive Committee meetings. If there is no quorum in the meeting, the presiding person may decide on the place and time of the next meeting for which no quorum will be required.

10. At least a week notice shall be given for a meeting of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The meeting shall be convened by the Secretary designated for the purpose, in consultation with the President and the Director of the Institute. Any five Members of the Committee may require the Secretary to call a meeting of the Committee by requisition in writing, stating the object for which they desire that the meeting be called, and thereupon the Secretary shall proceed to do so. In the event of the Secretary failing to convene such meeting within thirty days after receipt of the requisition by him, the members who requested for the meeting may themselves convene a meeting of the Committee on due notice.

Annual General Meeting:

11. The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held every year not later than 15 months after the holding of the previous Annual General Meeting to transact the following business:-

  1. To consider the Annual Report and Audited Statement of Accounts.
  2. To elect the President and other members of the Executive Committee at General Meeting of the Association held at every three years, unless this election was already held during the year at a Special General Meeting called for the purpose.
  3. To appoint Auditor or Auditors and to fix their remuneration, if any;
  4. To consider any other matter on the agenda.

12. A notice convening the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING shall be sent, together with the Agenda by the Secretary, to each Member at least one month before the date of the meeting.

13. The notice of any motion to be proposed at the Annual General Meeting shall be sent to the Secretary in advance, so that it may be included in the Agenda of a subsequent meeting.

14. The President, and in his absence, the Vice-President, shall preside at such meeting. In the absence of both of them, those present shall elect one amongst themselves to preside.

THE QUORUM shall be twenty members. In the event of there being no quorum at the time and place appointed for a General Meeting, the same may be held by those present to be adjourned at the same place to a time 15 minutes later on the same day. At such an adjourned meeting the business on the Agenda may thereafter be transacted, even if there is no quorum.

Procedure at General Meetings:

Articles 12, 14 and 15 shall apply also to other General Meetings, unless otherwise specified herein below.

Procedure for election:

Voting and other procedures

First Executive Committee will be Ad-hoc and functional for three years. Subsequent Executive Committee Members will be elected by the procedure approved by the General Body.

Amendments to the Constitution:

18. Amendments to the Constitution of the Association as formulated in these Articles may be made from time to time by the General Body assembled in any Annual or Special General Body Meeting, provided there is always at least two-thirds of the members present and entitled to vote at a meeting shall vote in favor of such amendment.

19. Article 12 and 13 above shall be complied with for holding such Special General Body Meeting for consideration of any proposal of amendment. At such Meeting the QUORUM shall be twenty, and Article 15 shall not be applicable.

20. Any proposal of amendment shall be circulated along with the notice convening the meeting for the purpose.

Dissolution of the Association:

21. Procedure for dissolution

  1. A proposal for the dissolution of the Association shall be considered at a Special General Meeting called exclusively for the purpose, and shall be determined by not less than a three-quarters majority of the Members present and entitled to vote.
  2. The QUORUM for such a meeting shall be one-third of the number of Members on the Register of the Association, and Article 15 shall not be applicable.
  3. The proposal, if carried by such a majority shall be required to be confirmed by a like majority and a like quorum at a subsequent Special General Meeting, called exclusively for the purpose of confirmation, to be held not earlier than 60 days from the date of the previous meeting.

22. Articles 12, 14 and 20 above shall be complied with mutatis mutandis.

23. In the event of dissolution, the funds and assets of the Association shall be transferred to theAdvanced Centre for Treatment, Research & Education in Cancer endowment Fund.


Dr Sudha Gangal Research Fund

RESEARCH TRAINING in IMMUNOLOGY for teachers and students from rural regions in Maharashtra, India.
I] SGRFS (Late Prof. SUDHA GANGAL Research Fund Scholarship for Research Training in Immunology)
  • Research Training period:
    • Duration : 10 days Monday to next Wednesday
    • Venue: Kode Lab, Tumor Immunology & Immunotherapy Group, ACTREC
  • Selection of Participants:
    • Selection criteria (M.Sc./ M.Tech; criteria can be relaxed upon approval).
    • Number of students and teachers: 2 students and 2 Teachers
    • Interested college authorities (Principal/ Dean) may nominate 4 participants alongwith a] proof of rural location of college, b] interest of team to pursue knowledge in immunology or cancer immunology field, c] biodata of 4 participants (2 teachers and 2 students)
    • Application may be forwarded by 15th June, 2022 to The Secretary, ACTREC ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, ACTREC-Tata Memorial Centre, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai 410210.
    • Final selection would be done by committee set up for this activity.
  • Fellowship would cover:
    • Rs 10,000/ per student candidate (2) and Rs 15000 per Teacher candidates (2).
    • To-and-fro Travel, stay and food to the participants.
    • Tutorials, Training and Hands-on experience, Data Analysis
    • Visit to Institute facilities with Advanced Instrumentation Platforms
    • Certificate of training mentioning Fellowship name, participant name/ affiliation, training duration, and signatures of Lab PI, Deputy Director, CRI-ACTREC and Director, ACTREC, President, ACTREC Alumni Association and sponsors.
  • Hands on training on techniques (based on time management):
    • Lymphocyte separation from peripheral blood:
      • Ficoll-Hypaque density gradient centrifugation
      • Cell Count using haemocytometer.
      • Calculating cell viability by dye exclusion method
    • Lymphocyte functional assays (Few of following assays based on time and feasibility):
      • Proliferation Assay
      • Cytotoxicity assay
      • Immunofluorescence by Confocal microscopy
      • Immunophenotyping by Flow Cytometry (Single/ dual colour)
      • ELISA using cell supernatants stimulated with mitogens/ stimulation agents.
      • Immunohistochemistry (surface marker and soluble immune marker)

Membership Guidelines

Alumni Members: All the individuals who have acquired the post graduate degree of M.Sc./ M.D./ Ph.D. through the Centre (ICRC, CRI or ACTREC) are eligible for Alumni Membership. They may still be working at the Centre or may have left the Centre.

Affiliate Members: Individuals belonging to either of these categories are eligible for Affiliate Membership: (a) Faculty members of the Centre who have acquired post-graduate/ doctoral degree from another organization and have been with the Centre for at least two years; (b) Post graduate students under various disciplines of Science and graduates in Medicine and Allied fields, who have been working for the Ph.D. degree at the Centre for at least two years; (c) Current staff members of the Centre who have acquired Master’s degree under various disciplines of Science, Medicine and Allied fields from any other organization and have been with the Centre for at least two years after obtaining post-graduate degree.

Once Affiliate Members leave the Centre, they will be considered as Alumni Members.

Associate Members: Individuals belonging to either of these categories are eligible for Associate Membership: (a) Post-Doctoral Fellows working at the Centre for minimum one year, (b) Post-graduates (M.Sc., M.Tech., M.D., M.Pharm., M.V.Sc., M.Lib.Sc., etc.) working at the Centre either as temporary staff, project staff or trainees for minimum one year. (c) Graduates (B.Sc., B.Tech., B.Pharm., M.B.B.S., B.V.Sc., etc) doing post-graduate dissertation project at the Centre as Trainee. Associate Membership continues even after the individual leaves the Centre.

Well Wishers: Individuals (who are not Alumni/ Affiliate Members), Institutions, Corporates, Business groups and other organizations that donate Rs. 5,000/- or above to AAA will be considered as “Well Wishers”.

Rights & Privileges
The rights and privileges of a member shall not be transferable.
The right to hold elective office shall be restricted to Alumni Members only.
The right to propose and/or second candidates shall be restricted to Alumni/ Affiliate Members only.
The right to vote shall be restricted to Alumni/ Affiliate Members only.

Membership Fees
Alumni/ Affiliate Members: Rs 2500/- (resident Indians); USD 50 (non-resident Indians)
Associate Members: Rs 1000/-

Membership Payment - Bank Details
Beneficiary Bank : Central Bank of India
Branch : Central Bank of India, ACTREC Kharghar Branch, Navi Mumbai – 410210
IFS code : CBIN0284047
Account No. 1797304312
MICR code : 4000016114

New Alumni Membership - Offline Application Form (Duly Signed form can be sent through email,by post or hand Delivery)

New Alumni Membership - Online Application Form

Alumni Members (ALM)

Reg. No. Name Contact E-mail ID
ALM 001 Vilma
ALM 002Jyoti Kodejkode[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
ALM 003Nishigandha Naik nishigandha.naik[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 004Madhav Deo deo.madhav[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 005Laxmi
ALM 006Rajani Bhiseyrajani.bhisey[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 008Pratibha Amrepratibha.amare[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 009Ulhas Ganudrukganu[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 010Aparna Bagweanbagwe[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 011Girish Marugirishmaru[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 012Milind Niphadkarmilind.niphadkar[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 013Aruna
ALM 014Vaijayanti;
ALM 016 Nalini
ALM 017 Asha Ramchandaniaramchandani4[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 018Milind Vaidyamilindvaidya[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 019 Vivek
ALM 020 Shefali
ALM 021Tanuja Tenitteni[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
ALM 022Rajiv
ALM 023Robin Mukhopadhyayanmukho.1995[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 024Hemant Gharpurehemant.gharpure[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 025Padmaja Gharpurepadmaja.gharpure[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 026 Gautam;
ALM 027 Kalpana
ALM 028Kishore
ALM 029Narendra Chirmule
ALM 030Sharmila Raykarsharmilaraykar[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 031Neelam
ALM 032 Seema Manjureseemamanjure[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 033Sharada Sawantvinitassawant[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 034Swati
ALM 035 Purvish Parikhpurvish1[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 036Aarti Juvekaraarti.juvekar[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 037Shubhada
ALM 038Veena Vermavinaverma01[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 039Manohar
ALM 040Rekha Rai*
ALM 041Mascha
ALM 042 Ubaldo
ALM 043Ashwin Kotnis*ashwinkotnis[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 044Joshua Shallomjoshua.shallom[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 045Rajendra Damlerndamle[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 046Prashant Bodheprashant.bodhe[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 047Manda Kamblemkamble[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
ALM 048Jyoti
ALM 049Shubhada Chiplunkarshubhachiplunkar[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 050shilpa Kadamshilpabkadam[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 052Madhura Pradhanheisemadhura[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 053Anita Borgesanitaborges[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 054Swapnali Pathareswapnalipathare[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 055Rita Mukhopadhyayarita45[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 056Sunil Metkarsunilmetkar[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 057Bhairav
ALM 058Surendra Chavansurendrajc06[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 059Sanjeev Shuklasanjeevtmc[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 060Sanjeev
ALM 061Reena Nair*reenanair[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 062Maria
ALM 064Surekha Zingde*surekha.zingde[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 065Manoj Mahimkarmmahimkar[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
ALM 066Bhakti Pathakbhakti.rp[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 067Archana
ALM 068Rita Mulherkar*rmulherkar[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 069Pranoti
ALM 070Mahesh
ALM 071K
ALM 072Vijay Chhajlanihitchingpost122[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 073Kishore Amin*kishore.amin[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 074Arjun Shinde*
ALM 075Narendra Joshi*
ALM 076Nirmala Jambhekar*
ALM 077Hemant Dhamnehemantdamne[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 078Rukmini Govekarrgovekar[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
ALM 079Rushikesh Patilrushikesh.patil17[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 080Mythreyi Narasimhanmythreyinarasimhan[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 081Ratnam Prasadratnam.p85[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 082Pratik Chaudharipratikchaudhari11[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 083Dimpu Gogoidimpugogoi[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 084Dilip Badgujardilipbadgujar1984[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 085Varsha Patki
ALM 086Shrikrishna
ALM 087Piyush Kumarpiyush.kaviraj[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 088Cheryl Travassocheryltravasso[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 089Navnath Dudhal*ndudhal[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 090Harish S. Bharambe*
ALM 091Rajesh
ALM 092Aftab Ali Ahmeddraftabaliahmed[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 093Chaudhari
ALM 094Ranjan
ALM 095Mirji Gaurigauri.mirji[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 096D’mello
ALM 097Chandrani Pratikpratikchandrani[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 098Choudhary Naziachoudharynazia[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 099Khare
ALM 100Ujjwala Warawdekar *uwarawdekar[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
ALM 101Rajiv Sarin*drrajivsarin[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 102Meera Achrekar*
ALM 103Shruti Kandekar*shrutiskandekar18[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 104Ganesh B*bganeshbala07[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 105Rahul M. Mojidra*rahul.m2212[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 106Jyothi Nair*jyoth.p.225[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 107Saket V. Mishra*svm2607[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 108Megha Garg*mgarg[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
ALM 109Dievya Dilip Govind*dievyag1992[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 110Mukund Sudharshan MG*mgmukundsudharsan[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 111Saim Wasi Mulla*mulla.saim935[at]gmail[dot]com
ALM 112Joel Christie*[at]gmail[dot]com

* Upgraded to Alumni Member as per new Bye-Laws of AAA resolved on 20th May, 2021

Affiliate Members (AFM)

Reg. No. Name Contact E-mail ID
AFM 001Kotnis Ashwin*
AFM 002 Rai Rekha*
AFM 003Joshi Narendra*
AFM 004Kishore Amin*kishore.amin[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 005 Banavali
AFM 006Ujjwala Warawdekar*uwarawdekar[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
AFM 007Sadhana Kannanskannan[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
AFM 008 Rajiv Sarin*rsarin[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
AFM 009Surekha Zingde*surekha.zingde[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 010Sorab Dalalsdalal[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
AFM 011Rita Mulherkar*rmulherkar[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 012Saral Desaisaraldesai[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 013Sridhar Eparisridhep[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 014Kedar
AFM 015Jayant Sastri Godagodajayantsastri[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 016Rahul Thoratrathorat[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 017Meera Achrekar*
AFM 018Nirmala Jambhekar*
AFM 019Vikram Gotavikramgota[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 020Manju Sengarmanju.sengar[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 021 Ranjan
AFM 022Kumar Prabhashkprabhash1[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 023Pradip
AFM 024Satish Munnollisatish.munnolli[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 025Arvind Ingleaingle[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
AFM 026Swati
AFM 027Ojaswini Upasanioupasani[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
AFM 028Navnath Dudhalndudhal[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 029Sumeet
AFM 030Shashi Ahireshashiahire[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 031Arjun
AFM 032 Sagar Pawarsagaractrec[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 033Asawari
AFM 034Reena Nair*reenanair[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 035Rajesh
AFM 036Prerana Dangedange.prerana[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 037Mohua
AFM 038Sudhir Nairsudhirvr[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 039Shashank Ojhaojhashashank3[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 040Anand Patilanandpatil888[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 041Mugdha Raulmgokhale[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
AFM 042Shamal
AFM 043Ganesh Joshiganeshactrec[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 044Prasanna Vvprasanna[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
AFM 045Manasi Nagretariusmanu[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 046Dhanalaxmi Shettydhanlaxmis22[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 047Trupti Pradhantruptininadpradhan[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 048Hemal Viravirahemant[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 049Subrata
AFM 050Nirmal Kumarbionirmal[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 051Nazia Choudhary*choudharynazia[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 052Shruti Kandekarskandekar[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in;
AFM 053Snehal Shabrishsnehalrm[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 054Arti Adhavartiholeadhav[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 055Kavita Palkavitapal80[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 056Nileema Khaparenilakhapare[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 057Preeti Chavanpchavan[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
AFM 058Hemani Jainhemanijain7[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 059Chanda Baisanechanda.baisane[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 060Venkata Raghuramvgorantla[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
AFM 061Monika Jaiswaljaiswal.monika80[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 062Amol Lonareamollonare61[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 063Poonam B. Gerapgera[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
AFM 064Priyanka Jadavpriyanka1603jadhav[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 065Murali Krishna Cpittu1043[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 066Dutta Deepshikadutta.deepshika07[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 067Ganesh B*bganeshbala07[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 068Rahul M. Mojidrarahul.m2212[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 069Bhabani Shankar Mohantybhabani.bmohanty[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 070Kiran R. Bendalekbendale[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
AFM 071Neha Agarwalnehaagrawal281995[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 072Manish D. Bhatmr.manishbhat[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 073Manjunath Nookala Kmnookala[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
AFM 074Mahadev Digambar Bhisestat.mdbhise[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 075Narpat Ramsingh Padvinarpatpadvi19[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 076Prachi Kishor Joshijoshi.prachi22[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 077Jyothi Nair*jyoth.p.225[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 078Debashmita Sarkardeboshimtasarkar710[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 079Saket V. Mishrasvm2607[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 080Madhura Ketkarmadhurak1219[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 081Tejasshree Mahaddalkarteju1090[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 082Megha Gargmgarg[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
AFM 083Girishchandra Panigrahigirishpanigrahi95[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 084Dievya Dilip Govind*dievyag1992[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 085Mukund Sudharshan MGmgmukundsudharsan[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 086Saim Wasi Mulla*mulla.saim935[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 087Merlyn A. Cherusserikkaracamerlyn[at]gmail[dot]com
AFM 088Harish S. Bharambe*
AFM 089Bhagyashree M. Tillubrajeshwar[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
AFM 090Ulka Madhukar
AFM 091Joel Christie*[at]gmail[dot]com

* Upgraded to Alumni Member as per new Bye-Laws of AAA resolved on 2nd March, 2011

Associate Members (ASM)

Reg. No. Name Contact E-mail ID
ASM 001Jaydeep Bhat bhatvjay85[at]gmail[dot]com
ASM 002Vasanti Amrutkaralaivasanti[at]gmail[dot]com
ASM 003Mahima
ASM 004Amruta Naik7.amruta[at]gmail[dot]com
ASM 005Babitai Balakrishnanbalakrishnanbabita[at]gmail[dot]com
ASM 006Pradeepkumar Telitelipradeep1[at]gmail[dot]com
ASM 007Amit
ASM 008Pravin Patilpravinat999[at]gmail[dot]com
ASM 009Prachi Danidaniprachi[at]gmail[dot]com
ASM 010Shikha Singhshikha.molbio[at]gmail[dot]com
ASM 011Anurag Srivastavadr.anuragsrivastava[at]gmail[dot]com
ASM 012S. Deivendrandeivendran.kumar[at]gmail[dot]com
ASM 013C. Subashinisubashini.chandramohan[at]gmail[dot]com
ASM 014Suresh Sidhanthsidhanthsuresh[at]gmail[dot]com
ASM 015Alok
ASM 016Neetu
ASM 017Vaibhav Kulkarnivaibhav.vsk[at]gmail[dot]com
ASM 018Rohan Chaubalrohanchaubal[at]gmail[dot]com
ASM 019Kunal Karvekunalkarve[at]gmail[dot]com
ASM 020Poornima Rathodpoornima.rathod[at]gmail[dot]com
ASM 021Vidya
ASM 022Chinmayee Godagchin7[at]gmail[dot]com
ASM 023Elizabeth Talkeretalker07[at]gmail[dot]com
ASM 024Jashoda Sutharjashealr[at]gmail[dot]com
ASM 025Kshama Pansarekshamaj99[at]gmail[dot]com
ASM 026Rahul T.V. Raghavan rahulraghavantv[at]gmail[dot]com
ASM 027Deepak Kumar Prajapatideepakp3194[at]gmail[dot]com
ASM 028Soumya

* Upgraded to Alumni Member as per new Bye-Laws of AAA resolved on 2nd March, 2011


AAA offers valuable programs to foster connections amongst all its alumni, while providing special benefits to members. We invite you to be a “Well Wisher” of AAA by providing AAA valuable, monetary support. Please fill in the requisite details in the“Well Wisher Application Form” and send it to the Secretary along with your payment.

Well Wisher Application Form

Well Wisher Donors (AWD)

Name No.YearAmount
Dr. Ulhas Ganu 001Feb. 2006 INR 900
Dr. Pratibha Amare Kadam002Feb. 2006INR 1,900
Mr. Dinesh Saini 004Oct. 2011 INR 25,000
Merck Specialities Private Limited 003Sept. 2011INR 10,000
Biocon Limited 005Dec. 2011 INR 24,500
Mr. Tushar Barad 006Jan. 2012INR 5,000
Dr. Caroline Mathen 007Jan. 2012 INR 5,000
Mr. Sankar Dutta 008Jan. 2012 INR 5,000
Dr. Surendra Chavan 009Mar. 2013 INR 5,000
Dr. Surendra Chavan 010Mar. 2017 USD 2,000
Mrs Uttara Gupte & Mrs Vaishali Mohile
(In memory of Honorable Alumni late Dr Sudha Gangal)
Dr Sudha Gangal Memorial Research Fund
011Mar. 2021 INR 5,00,000
Dr. Dimpu Gogoi012Apr. 2021 INR 2500
Dr. Dilip Badgujar013Apr. 2021 INR 2500
Sanopeutics Research Pvt Ltd014Apr. 2021INR 2500
King's Pratishthan015Apr. 2023INR 10000
Event DateProgrammeICRC-CRI-ACTREC Alumni/Affiliate Members Event BrochureEvent ReportEvent Photo
Dr. Nikhil SangeetReportphoto
IPR Patent workshopReportphoto
Dr. Pratik ChaudhariReportphoto
023-2023August 2024Guest TalkDr. Satyajit KhareBrochureReportPhoto/
022-2023January 2024Guest TalkDr. Lalit SehgalBrochure Report


021-2023December 2023Guest TalkDr. Amitabha MukhopadhyayBrochure Report Photo/
020-2023December 2023Guest TalkDr. Priyanka BhosaleBrochure Report Photo/
019-2023Nov 2023Guest TalkDr. Crismita DmelloBrochure Report Photo/
018-2023May 2023CSSAA-4 & Day of Immunology 2023BrochureReportPhoto/
Creative Mind Contest
017-202310-03-2023Colloquia & Symposia Series (CnS Series)-3 at D. Y. Patil Institute of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, PuneDr. Gauri MirjiBrochure Report Photo/
Dr. Jyoti Kode
Dr Meenakshi Singh
Dr Sumathi S.
016-202205-05-2022Day of ImmunologyBrochureReportPhoto
Creative Mind Contest
Dr. Hemant DamneCreative Mind Contest Result
Dr Eddy Sayeed
015-202202-05-2022Day of ImmunologyBrochureReportPhoto
Creative Mind Contest Result
014-202129-04-2021Day of ImmunologyBrochureReportPhoto
Creative Mind Contest
Speakers BiosketchesCreative Mind Contest Result
013-202130-03-2021Third Annual MeetDr Shrikrishna DadkeBrochureReportPhoto
Dr Dilip Badgujar
Dr Dimpu Gogoi
Dr Harish Bharambe
012-202009-03-2020Second Annual Meet & AGMDr. Narendra ChirmuleBrochureReportPhoto
Dr. Hemant DhamneAGM Notice
011-201431-1-2014Felicitation of AlumniDr. Rita MulherkarPhoto
Dr. Aarti JuvekarReportPhoto
Dr. Rajiv GudeReportPhoto
010-201416-12-2014Colloquia & Symposia Series (CnS Series)-2Dr. Pranoti MandrekarBrochureReportPhoto
009-201312-03-2013 Colloquia & Symposia Series (CnS Series)-1Dr Manoj RajadhyakshaBrochureReportPhoto
008-201313-01-2013CSSAA-3Dr. Rajiv SarinBrochureReportPhoto
007-201202-05-2012First Annual Meet & AGMDr. Hemant GharpureBrochureReportPhoto
Dr. Surendra ChavanAGM Notice
006-201225-11-2012CSSAA-2Dr. Ashish BakshiBrochureReportPhoto
Dr. Shashank Ojha
005-201201-11-2012Tete-a-Tete with AlumniDr. Sanjeev ShuklaBrochureReportPhoto
004-201202-05-2012ALUmni CHAT MEET-2 Dr. Sunil MetkarBrochureReportPhoto
003-201225-02-2012Cancer Screening & Support Awareness Abhiyaan (CSSAA)-1BrochureReportPhoto
002-201130-12-2011ALUmni CHAT MEET-1Dr. Vivek TanavdeReportPhoto
001-201103-11-2011 Workshop on 'Physiotherapy for a healthy lifestyle'ReportPhoto

Honorable Senior Alumni

Contact Us

Secretary, ACTREC Alumni Association

Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and
Education in Cancer (ACTREC), Tata Memorial Centre,
Sector 22, Kharghar,
Navi Mumbai - 410 210
Tel: 91 22 2740 5030
Fax: 91 22 2740 5085
E-mail: alumni[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in

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