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Tata Memorial Centre- Institutional Ethics Committee –III

Re-registered with DCGI, Registration No. ECR/149/Inst/MH/2013/RR-24
Registered with DHR: EC/NEW/INST/2020/934

The TMC- Institutional Ethics Committee-III (IEC) was established in December 2009 as per the ICMR and ICH- GCP guidelines for Ethics Committees, with a mandate for combined scientific and ethics review of research projects being conducted at ACTREC and Tata Memorial Hospital. The Committee has currently accredited by the prestigious Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP).

Tata Memorial Centre, Institutional Ethics Committee has been accredited by National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH), a constituent board of Quality Council of India (QCI) in 2017 Validity: Dec 11, 2017 - Dec 10, 2020

The research studies which are eligible for review by this IEC and their categorization is as follows:

  1. Studies not involving living subjects:

    Studies requiring Intra-Mural/Extra-Mural grant or those in collaboration with other sites/institutes will be reviewed by IEC. Such studies could be -

    • In vitro study on established cell lines (other than embryonic stem cells)
    • Physics / Equipment / Software R&D studies not involving animal or human subjects
  2. Studies involving Human subjects: Such studies could be
    • Epidemiological, Molecular epidemiology or Pharmacological studies using questionnaires, with or without physical examination and or additional blood / saliva / urine / hair / nail / other samples or follow up.
    • Biological studies on human tissues obtained as part of diagnostic or therapeutic procedures with or without physical examination and or additional blood / saliva / urine / hair / nail /other samples or follow up.
    • Observational studies, surveys, questionnaires, audits for various demographic, symptoms, Quality of life , Knowledge Attitude Practice, dietary variable etc.
    • Cross sectional or longitudinal cohort studies for response, toxicity and other outcomes in patients undergoing standard of care (as listed in TMH EBM guidelines).
    • Human Clinical trials using experimental approaches or involving additional invasive intervention, including gene and cell based therapies.

TMC-ACTREC IEC will not review the following research studies (Investigators can seek IEC guidance about the possible routes of obtaining scientific and ethical approval at local and national level).

  • Research on Embryonic Stem Cells.
  • Experimental invasive studies on non human primates or healthy pets or other animals in captivity or wild that are not being investigated or treated as patients.

Meeting Schedule

The IEC-III meets (Virtual) on Third Friday of every month at 09.15 a.m (unless otherwise notified) in the Board Room, Paymaster Shodhika, 3rd Floor, ACTREC

IRB Processing fee for Pharma initiated projects

IEC processing fees (applicable for all pharmaceutical sponsored studies)

  1. Initial project submission                    -   Rs. 40,000/-  +applicable GST
  2. Protocol amendment (major) for ongoing study   -   Rs. 10,000/-  + applicable GST

The fees will be accepted as cheque/demand draft drawn in favour of “Tata Memorial Centre".

Scope of Authority of IEC-III

Scope of Authority of IEC-III by Chairperson

Members IEC - III

Tata Memorial Centre- Institutional Ethics Committee –III have been reconstituted from 01st July 2020 for 2 years

Sr. No.Name & PositionPositionAffiliationGenderExpertise
1.Dr. Surekha ZingdeChairpersonTrustee, Indian Women Scientists' Association (IWSA),
Former Deputy Director, CRI, Scientific Officer ‘H’
FemaleBasic Scientist
2.Dr. Punit JainMember and Stem Cell expertConsultant Hematologist/ Hemato-Oncologist & Bone Marrow Transplant Physician, Apollo Hospitals, Belapur, Navi MumbaiMaleClinician (Medical Oncology and stem cell expert)
3.Dr. Pravesh GolayMemberAssociate Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai - 400 076, IndiaMalePhilosopher
4.Dr. Sachin Punatar Member SecretaryProfessor ‘F’. Medical Oncology, (Adult Hematolymphoid) TMH, TMCMaleClinician (Medical Oncology)
5.Dr. Vaishali Thakare MemberProfessor, Department of Pharmacology, D.Y. Patil School of Medicine, Navi MumbaiFemaleClinical Pharmacologist (Basic Medical Scientist)
6.Mrs. Josephine MachadoMemberPlaygroup teacher and special educator, Bloomingdale Preschool, Nursery & Day Care, Kharghar, Navi MumbaiFemale Layperson
7.Mr Akil Hirani
MemberHead of the Transactions Practice and Managing Partner Majmudar & Partners,
International Lawyers, India
MaleLegal Expert
8.Ms. Bhavya Solanki MemberLegal Associate, Majmudar & Partners, International Lawyers, India FemaleLegal Expert
9.Dr. Girish MaruMemberFormer Principal Investigator and Scientific Officer ‘H’, CRI.MaleBasic Scientist
10.Dr. Syed HasanMemberPrincipal Investigator and Scientific Officer ‘E’ Hasan Lab, ACTREC, TMCMaleBasic Scientist
11.Dr. Shwetabh SinhaMemberAssistant Professor "E", Radiation Oncology, ACTREC, TMCMaleClinician (Radiation Oncology)
12.Dr. Anant GokarnMemberProfessor ‘F’ Medical Oncology, (Adult Hematolymphoid) TMH, TMCMaleClinician (Medical Oncology)
13.Dr. Arjun SinghMemberAssistant Professor ‘E’(Oral Surgery), ACTRECMaleClinician (Surgical oncology)
14.Dr. Prashant Tembhare MemberClinician Scientist and Prof in Hematopathology (SO F) ACTREC, TMCMaleBasic Medical Scientist (Hemato Pathology)
15.Dr. Amit JanuMemberProfessor ‘F’ Radiodiagnosis, ACTRECMaleClinician (Radiodiagnosis)

The mandate of the committee are as follows :

  1. Ensure the highest scientific and ethical standards of research at TMC
  2. Review and approve, proposals for clinical, basic or translational research projects (Intra and Extra mural) for scientific and ethical content
  3. Improve ethical standards and issue guidelines on ethical dilemmas related to patient care services
  4. To function as a forum to advise the administration in case of any ethical issues that may arise from patients, families or public
  5. To maintain our leadership as a national standard of reference in oncology and in allied specialties
  6. To issue and periodically, update and revise SOP s and guidelines for effective functioning of IEC as and when necessary
  7. Continuing education in clinical research bioethics and ethical aspects of clinical practice by seminars, workshops and interactive discussions for all categories of staff members including nursing and paramedical staff
  8. To initiate and commission research studies on ethical aspects of practice in TMC

The IEC-III will meet on third Friday of every month at 9.15 a.m (unless otherwise notified) in the Board Room, Paymaster Shodhika, 3rd Floor, ACTREC, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai. The Member Secretary of IEC -III will be Members of TRAC.

Research Review Committee (RRC)

The Research Review Committee (RRC) is a unit of the IEC comprising of clinicians of varied expertise from the hospital, supported by IEC staff with a primary responsibility to review serious adverse events, safety reports and annual status reports of the projects approved by the IEC. This unit reports to the IEC.

The Research Review Committee is a unit of the IEC essentially responsible for monitoring IEC approved projects, to ensure patient safety and assess data during the course of the study in a manner that contributes to the scientific and ethical integrity of the study.

RRC- I based in TMH will function as a unit of the IEC for TMH (IEC-I & II) and RRC-II based in ACTREC will function as a unit of the IEC for ACTREC (IEC-III).

RRC Members

TMC IEC-III, Research Review Committee (RRC) have been reconstituted from 01/06/2024 for 2 years.

Sr. No.Name & PositionPositionAffiliationGenderExpertise
1.Dr. Poonam JoshiChairpersonProfessor, Department of Head and Neck Oncology, TMHFemaleClinician (Head and neckl Oncology)
2.Dr. Arjun SinghCo-ChairpersonAssistant Professor, Medical Officer "E" ACTRECMaleClinician (Medical Oncology)
3.Dr. Manjunath Nookala KrishnamurthyMember SecretaryScientific Officer F (Clinical Pharmacology)MaleClinical Pharmacologist
4.Dr. Anbarsan SekarMemberAssistant Professor, Department of Medical Oncology, ACTRECMale Clinician (Medical Oncology)
5.Dr. Jifmi Jose ManjaliMemberAssistant Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, ACTRECFemaleClinician (Radiation Oncology)
6.Dr. Sharath ArandkarMemberScientific Officer E Ramalingaswamy Re-entry fellow Assistant Professor, Homi Bhabha National Institute, CRI, ACTRECMaleBasic Scientist (Tumor micro environment
7.Dr. Ashwini RaneMemberAssistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesia, ACTRECFemaleClinician( Anesthesia)
8.Dr. Rohan KhadilkarMemberScientific Officer D, ACTREC TMCMaleBasic Scientist
9.Dr. Rohini KulkarniMemberAssistant Professor, Department of Surgical Oncology, ACTRECFemaleClinician (Gyn Surgeon)
10.Dr. Anuj KumarMemberAssistant Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, ACTRECMaleClinician (Medical Oncology)

The mandate of the TMC-IEC III Research Review Committee (RRC) are to:

The Research Review Committee (RRC) perform the review of Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) and monitor research studies, as an institutional committee. The RRC functioning is overseen by the TMC-Research Administration Council (TRAC).

The committee does not address or interfere in matters of administration, nor does the committee function as a grievance cell for staff members.

The RRC will meet on the Second Friday of every month at 02.00 p.m (unless otherwise notified) in the Conference Room, Khalolkar Shodhika, 3 rd Floor, ACTREC, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai.

List of Forms for PIs / Research staff effective from 10.11.2023 for human study

Sr. No.Form NoTitle
1.1aProject Submission Form
2.2Checklist of document
3.3aTemplate for Participant Information Sheet and ICF
4.3bTemplate for Child Information Sheet and Assent Form
5.3cTemplate for Parent Information sheet and ICF
6.3dTemplate for Participant Consent for prospective audit study
7.3eTemplate for Parent - LAR Consent for prospective audit study
8.3fTemplate for Child Assent for prospective audit study
9.3gInformed Consent Template for Audio-Visual Recording
10.3hIEC form for re-review of research proposals
11.3iGeneral instructions for PI for submission of projects
12.4aExpedited review form
13.4bReview exemption form
14.6Post approval Amendment Reporting Form
15.7aContinuing Review Application Form (CRA)/Annual Status Report (ASR)
16.7bContinuing Review Application Form - Basic Human Study
17.8Deviation (D) Violation (V) Form
18.9aSerious Adverse Event Report (SAE) form
19.9bOff-site Safety Reports Classification Form
20.9cOff-site safety log
21.10Document request form
22.12Study Completion Report (SCR)
23.13Premature Termination - Suspension - Discontinuation Report
24.14Application form for requesting waiver of consent
25.15Monitoring Form
26.16Summary list of changes
27.17Advertisement script for healthy volunteer
28.18Script for Telephonic consent
29.19IEC Feedback form
30.20Revised Budget for the Study

Online Submission

Online submission of new projects through IEC web portal

TMC IEC has initiated online web portal for submission/review of research projects w.e.f. 01 Jan 2018

Contact person for creating Login ID:
Mr. Sandeep Kalsekar
Email id:
Contact No: 022 2417 7000 (Extn: 4267)


Link for IEC SOPs effective from Version 6.1 dated 10.11.2023

Link for guidelines and regulations:

1. NDCT guidelines 2019  NDCT 2019 (2021 amendment)

2. ICMR guidelines 2017

3. ICMR Emergency 2020

4. WMA Helsinki 2024 and Taipei 2016

5. US common rules 2018


Contact Us

Tata Memorial Centre
Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research & Education in Cancer,
Institutional Ethics Committee (TMC- IEC III),
Room no 128, Paymaster Shodhika, First floor,
ACTREC, Kharghar,
Sector 22 Navi Mumbai 410210
Phone: +91-22-27405154//27405126
Email- irb[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in


PI/Study team member Feedback Form

Patient Complaint / Query / Feedback form

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