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Research Projects

Breast Cancer Genetic,Environment and lifestyle Study in Familial & Non Familial Breast Cancer(BRCA GEL)


Collaborative study with Prof Hebert, nutritional epidemiologist-(Univ. South Carolina) & leading Indian cancer epidemiolgist Dr Prakash Gupta (Healis Institute for Public Health, Mumbai) and future plans for pooling of data on additional analyses with the Breast Cancer Association Consortium – BCAC (Prof. Douglas Easton, Cambridge) & Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 – CIMBA ( Dr. Chenevix-Trench, Australia). This case-control study of 2400 women, sporadic or familial breast cancer cases) will be compared with healthy women (matched controls) for various environmental and lifestyle factors (diet, chronotype, physical activity, yoga, reproductive history, exposure, personality, religiosity etc) and low penetrance and high penetrance genetic factors that could modulate cancer risk. With 300 subjects enrolled, initial results show risk association with metabolozing enzymes and the data is being used for resubmission of the NIH RO1 grant for prospective Mumbai Cohort Study of 150,000 individuals.

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