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Research Projects

A Phase II clinical trial to assess the effects of Chlorophyllin (CHL)


Radiation Therapy (RT) either alone or in combination with chemotherapy (chemoradiotherapy-CTRT) is one of the common treatments for various cancers. While RT/ CTRT remain a very effective treatment, there are side effects associated with them causing significant deterioration in quality of life. Recently a study from BARC has demonstrated the benefit of using chlorophyllin (CHL) tablets as an agent which can reduce the side effects associated with RT/ CTRT in certain cancers. A phase 1 clinical study in healthy volunteers indicated that CHL is safe and tolerable in humans and has not shown any severe adverse events. Our primary aim is to assess if CHL can reduce the toxicity of radiotherapy/ chemoradiotherapy in various cancers as well as understand the mechanism of chlorophyllin in terms of anti-inflammatory, stem-cell mediated tissue regeneration and chemokine profile.

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