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Book chapters

Submitted by admin on Mon, 08/02/2021 - 16:47
  1. Acharya S, Raja Reddy Kuppili, Lalith K Chaganti, Kakoli Bose.” Proteases in Apoptosis: Ptotocols and methods.” Proteases in Apoptosis: Pathways, Protocols and Translational Advances. Ed. Kakoli Bose. Switzerland. Springer International Publishing, 2015. 143-202 .
  2. Agarwal, Jai Prakash, Tejapl Gupta, Rahul Krishanty, Amit Joshi, and Mitali Dandekar. "Larynx and Hypopharynx." UICC Manual Of Clinical Oncology. Ed. Brian O'Suvilian, James D. Brierley, Anil K. D'Cruz, Martin F. Fey, Raphael Pollock, Jan B. Vermorken, and Shao Hui Huang. 9th ed.

Submitted by admin on Thu, 07/22/2021 - 13:25
  1. Dimri Shalini, Soumya Basu, and Abhijit De. ""Use of BRET to Study Protein-Protein Interactions In Vitro and In Vivo."" Methods in Molecular Biology. Ed. Iain J. McEWAN. Vol. 1443. New York: Springer, 2016. 57-78.
  2. Divatia JV, Amol Kothekar. “Liberation from Mechanical Ventilation”.

Submitted by admin on Fri, 03/19/2021 - 15:37
  1. Kulkarni P, Mehta P, Shriyan B, Gawit K, Gota V, Ghante M. (2021) "Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, and Toxicology Aspects of Immunotherapeutics". In: Sawarkar SP, Nikam VS, Syed S. (Eds.) Immunotherapy – A Novel Facet of Modern Therapeutics. Singapore Springer, 2021. Pp. 195-214. (ISBN: 978-981-15-9037-5)
  2. Thorat R. "Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs) in the Laboratory Mouse. In: Nagarajan P, Gudde R, Srinivasan R. (Ëds.) Essentials of Laboratory Animal Science: Principles and Practices. Singapore; Springer, 2021. Pp. 679-707.

Submitted by admin on Tue, 10/06/2020 - 16:02
  1. Coleman-Vaughan C, Mal A, De A, McCarthy J. “The γ-Secretase Protease Complexes in Neurodegeneration, Cancer and Immunity”. In: Chakraborti S, Dhalla N (Eds.) Pathophysiological Aspects of Proteases. Singapore: Springer Nature, 2017. Pp. 1-41. (ISBN 978-981-10-6140-0)
  2. Gujral S, Tiwari M. “Reporting the Results”. In: Sood SK, Mukherjee R, Sood S. Assuring Quality and Competence: A Guide for Medical Laboratories Seeking Accredation to ISO 15189. Noida: Sumeet Sood, 2017. Pp.182-188.
  3. Gujral S, Tiwari M. “Release of Results”. In: Sood SK, Mukherjee R, Sood S.

Submitted by admin on Thu, 09/24/2020 - 16:33
  1. Dhadve A, Thakur B, Ray P. “Construction of Dual Modality Optical Reporter Gene Constructs for Bioluminescent and Fluorescent Imaging”. In: Dubey P(Ed.). Methods in Molecular Biology: Volume 1790. Reporter Gene Imaging: Methods and Protocols. New York: Humana Press, 2018. PP. 13-27. (ISBN 978-1-4939-7860-1)
  2. Dhadve A, Thakur B, Ray P.” Dual Modality Imaging of Promoter Activity as a Surrogate for Gene Expression and Function.” In: Dubey P(Ed.). Methods in Molecular Biology: Volume 1790. Reporter Gene Imaging: Methods and Protocols. New York: Humana Press, 2018.PP. 1-12.

Submitted by admin on Tue, 09/01/2020 - 15:34
  1. Roy G, Bhattacharjee A, Khan I. “Biostatistics in Clinical Oncology." In: Masood N, Shakil Malik S. (Eds.) Essentials of Cancer Genomic, Computational Approaches and Precision Medicine. Singapore: Springer, 2020. Pp. 365-378. (ISBN: 978-981-15-1066-3)    
  2. Shah S, Rashid M, Verma T, Gupta S. "Chromatin, Histones, and Histone Modifications in Health and Disease". In: Forero DA, Patrinos GP (Eds.) Genome Plasticity in Health and Disease. Translational and Applied Genomics. San Diego: Academic Press, 2020. Pp. 109-135.

Submitted by admin on Tue, 08/25/2020 - 16:38
  1. Akshay S, Basu S, Chakraborty S, Sundararajan R, Venkatraman P. “Functional Significance Checking in Noisy Gene Regulatory Networks.” In: Schiex T., de Givry S. (Eds) Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming. CP 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11802. Cham: Springer, 2019. Pp. 767-785. (ISBN: 978-3-030-30047-0)
  2. Bose A, Dalal SN. “Centrosome amplification and tumorigenesis: Cause or effect?” In: Kloc M. (Ed.) The Golgi Apparatus and Centriole. Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation: Volume 67. Cham: Springer, 2019. Pp. 413-440.
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