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Surgical Pathology


Professor & Head : Dr. Sridhar Epari


The department of Surgical Pathology offers services in the areas of histopathology and immunohistochemistry, cytopathology, and intraoperative consultation. The laboratory offers diagnostic services for both in-hospital and referral cases. The department is formed by well qualified and experienced consultant pathologists, trainee pathologists and skilled scientific staff. Consultant pathologists are of national and international repute, possess both clinical and research expertise in various subspecialities of oncopathology and work in tandem with other specialities to offer best of the patient care. The team of skilled technical staff equipped with high-end state of the art technology is involved in processing of tissue and cytopathology samples generated at ACTREC as well as those referred from other centres.

The laboratory is equipped with the state of art equipment catering to all aspects of histopathology and cytopathology, which include automated tissue processors, manual/semi- automatic/automatic microtomes, high-end cryomicrotomes, tissue embedding systems, autostainers, coverslippers, cytocentrifuges, biosafety cabinets, immunohistochemistry autostainers, multiheaded microscopes, automated slide scanners etc.

The laboratory boasts of a vast repertoire of antibodies for immunohistochemical analysis of tissues, oncopathologically relevant special stains and also embarks on digital pathology (including remote reporting of intraoperative consult cases, as and when needed). The histopathology and immunohistochemistry services are NABL accredited and ensure quality of services by participation in the External Quality Assurance Scheme (EQAS).

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